The end of a thing is better than its beginning; The patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit…

Ecclesiastes 7:8

But how will you get to that better end, unless you begin, commence ,kick off, get started, so just start…!!!

I can’t go short of instances of ideas that have come alive ; skills that have been, and are actively being honed-with greater intent- ; relationships that have been started, revived, improved,some even replaced or destroyed altogether ;even discoveries that have been made-whether self or otherwise-, during this period.

Thanks is all I have, to our Heavenly Father,Christ Jesus our Savior and only Way to the Father,and the Holy Spirit our Teacher; for allowing us to be part of His plan, for placing us in times as these, and giving us such thriving communities to be a part of.

This in light of all the amazing growth I have personally experienced, even with Covid-19; that on the surface seemed to be stifling that same growth as we knew it.

I think of the revival of fellowship with each other and the LORD, that has happened in our families,and here I am talking about the whole deal.

Talk about testimonies,praise & worship sessions,Bible Studies,teachings and sermons; all in house!, some or many which were non-existent in that space.Simply amazing.

Even here in our community of A.C.K Emmanuel Kikuyu, we have had to rethink of how the gospel will to be shared, with the restriction to social gathering.

This has certainly led to a stronger online presence, which we greatly needed; this especially on YouTube where, we now get our sermons and encouragement; not to mention virtual Fellowships and Bible study on platforms such as Zoom.

Let’s get fit! A greater appreciation for physical health has been realized, many have been able to start that fitness programme they always wanted to start, for those body goals they always so desired.

Whether by diet or physical exercise:a walk,jog,cycle..; they have put a foot before the other and broken sweat.

Some have discovered ways to channel thoughts, to express ideas, to speak their inner reflections. I have a few friends who have started YouTube channels to channel themselves through music,sketching, preaching. Several have started journaling,even writing books and memoirs.

I have a cousin who has ventured into green house farming; she has no past experience in the same;but eeii how to know how it works unless you dive in headfirst.

Another;a friend this time,(not that my cousin is not one); has ventured into pig farming ,another has started a restaurant and nail parlour,another retailing of Pishori rice. This only an example of business and ventures that have started all during this period.

What about those that have had big breaks in careers,papers to live in foreign land,weddings even!, and many more instances I can recount.All this as I mentioned I have personally witnessed, I know you have many more you are living and have personally experienced.


But if there is anything I found about all these, is that there was that step of faith to start,to begin,somewhere,sometimes even from a shaky, uncertain place, but a start nonetheless! ,in-spite of the situation, despite of the circumstances.

……you know the best place to start?..My advice, start on your knees, seek the will of the Father.

As for me, from that person who nudged me to write something, and after praying about it and getting approval of our Heavenly Father…

this is my start, what’s yours?


Glory to God.

Be blessed! in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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